Author Sandra R Neeley

International Bestselling Author

Writer of Paranormal, SciFi, and Fantasy Romances.

Riley's Pride
Riley's Pride
There’s a new Alpha in town. He’s tried for too long to make a life in a place with more than its share of Alphas. His Panther has decided enough is enough. His Mate has renounced him as a result of a grave misunderstanding, and he’s struck out on his own, forging a new future and new Pride that will welcome all who have struggled to find their place. He will be their Alpha – they will live by his rules. Together they will make a new life in the hills and mountains of Missouri. They’ll build a life to be proud of, a life that will welcome all their Mates, if they are lucky enough to find them. A life his own estranged Mate will hopefully be drawn to. It will be dangerous, because the shifters that have struggled to find a place are usually the most unpredictable, those that never fit anywhere else. But that’s what makes life interesting isn’t it – danger, unpredictability and love? Welcome to Riley’s Pride. Intended for mature audiences.

Riley's Pride
Book 1
This book is a work of fiction, creative license has been taken.
There’s a new Alpha in town. He’s tried for too long to make a life in a place with more than its share of Alphas. His Panther has decided enough is enough. His Mate has renounced him as a result of a grave misunderstanding, and he’s struck out on his own, forging a new future and a new Pride that will welcome all who have struggled to find their place. He will be their Alpha — they will live by his rules. Together they will make a new life in the hills and mountains of Missouri. They’ll build a life to be proud of, a life that will welcome all their Mates, if they are lucky enough to find them. A life his own estranged Mate will hopefully be drawn to. It will be dangerous because the shifters that have struggled to find a place are usually the most unpredictable, those that never fit anywhere else. But that’s what makes life interesting isn’t it — danger, unpredictability and love?
Welcome to Riley’s Pride.
Warning: Intended for mature audiences. This book contains some use of the “F” word and others, explicit violence, abuse both real and inferred, and sexual situations that may be disturbing for some readers. If you are offended by these subjects, please do not buy this book.

Richie's Promise
Book 2
This book is a work of fiction, creative license has been taken.
Richie made a break from a Pride and an Alpha that were both abusive and dangerous. He’s had time to overcome the insecurities and damage done during his youth. Now he’s found a new Pride, a new home, a new Alpha, and he’s flourishing. But he’s never forgotten the young girl that he knew as a child. The girl that even then, he knew was meant to be his. She was sent away, along with Richie’s mother for their protection from his former Alpha — his father — and Richie hasn’t seen them since. He keeps up with her through his mother. She’s happy and married, and all Richie can do is wish her well. But an early morning phone call from his mother has him dropping everything in a rush to bring them both back into his world to the safety and security his new Pride provides. His mother is ready and willing, but will his childhood friend — his mate — accept his offer to come along? Or will he have to throw her over his shoulder and carry her away in the night?
Yvette lost both her parents when she was a young child. Her former Alpha murdered them. She is alive today only because she was fortunate enough to be spirited away with her true mate’s mother for their own safety. Constance raised Yvette as her own, knowing that one day her son, Yvette’s mate, would come for them both. But Yvette grew tired of waiting. A man with pretty words and flashy possessions caught her eye, and now she’s at his mercy — a virtue he doesn’t have much of. She lays in the bed she made because the man she chose as husband threatens Constance’s safety, if she ever tries to leave him. She’s lost so much of herself she doubts she’d be able to adapt to a life outside abuse, anyway. Little does she know, Constance has already called in reinforcements. Her mate is on his way, and he doesn’t give a damn what came before him. He’s coming for what’s his and won’t take no for an answer.
Warning: Intended for mature audiences. This book contains intimate love scenes, violence, and some abuse both real and inferred that may be disturbing for some readers. If you are offended by these subjects, please do not buy this book.

Travis's Gift
Book 3
This book is a work of fiction, creative license has been taken.
A mate, children, love. These are the things that are important to most shifters, even Tiger shifters, who are more solitary than most. They certainly once meant everything to Travis Vitrano. But service to his country changed him. It made him bitter, angry, and sullen. It also sent him back home with only one leg. Travis could barely tolerate himself, much less subject those he loved to the person he’d become — so he pushed them away. It’s best for them to not have to take care of him. They should not have to be saddled with his disability. Now, thanks to his own actions he finds himself alone, looking around at his friends finding love and starting families. He’s also watching the only woman he’s ever loved — his mate, his one — form a bond with another male. He’s reached out to her only to push her away so many times that she no longer even considers him a friend. But he’s finally healed enough to have something to offer her. Dare he try again?
Libby has been hurt by Travis’s rejections so many times she’s completely shut herself off from him. As kids, they formed a bond born of friendship, evolving into love. Once old enough, Travis recognized her as his mate. They spoke of forever and planned for their future upon his return from active duty overseas. Only, the male that returned is not the male she expected. He’s angry and resentful. He refused to allow her near him, much less speak to her in any capacity about their shattered plans. At his insistence, she stays away from him and builds another life — one that doesn’t include him. She’s joined a local Pride. She’s got new friends. A new outlook, and she’s finally finding her happy again. But now that she’s finally forged her own place in the world, Travis is suddenly in front of her, demanding that she see him — begging for another chance. The only problem is, she simply doesn’t have it in her to believe in him again. One more rejection from him just might crush what’s left of her spirit.
Travis and Libby have struggled for years to recover from his life-changing injury and the self-doubt that plagues him. He’s finally struggled through the pain enough to be able to see the world around himself and all that he’s lost. She’s finally given up the battle to make him see and remember what they once were to each other. Having your heart repeatedly torn out and trampled on by the person you trust most in the world is reason enough to give up the fight. It’s time to move on for both of them. But in which direction will that moving on take them? Surely it’s too late and they’re too far gone to even consider a reconciliation. But, it is Christmas time — miracles are known to happen at Christmas time.
Warning: Intended for mature audiences. This book contains intimate love scenes that may be disturbing for some readers. If you are offended by these subjects, please do not buy this book.
Roman's Vow
Book 4
This book is a work of fiction, creative license has been taken.
Roman is a Silverback Gorilla shifter. Born into a troop that required its members to battle for position, he struggled as a child to simply survive. As soon as he was old enough, he joined the military — an easy way out and a guarantee of three square meals a day. After serving his country, he wandered until accidentally finding himself surrounded by people who genuinely welcomed him, appreciated him for who he was at heart. Always one to steer clear of Alpha run families, he’s feeling differently about this one. This Alpha is caring, supportive. He falls into the rhythm of daily life, happy, satisfied with his life, until he stumbles across his mate on a road trip. But she’s human, doesn’t feel the same pull he does and he’s forced to leave her behind to return home, and try to win her over long distance. But now he’s learned that she’s been arrested and charged with a crime she didn’t commit. And he’s been given custody of her daughter. With a broken heart, and a new daughter, this new father has to find a way to free his mate, bring her home to her daughter, and make her fall in love with him all at the same time.
Talie’s been alone most of her adult life, having lost her family during her high school years. Falling in love with the wrong guy right out of high school hasn’t helped. The selfish, mama’s boy she’d errantly married landed himself in jail for several years, leaving Talie to raise their child as a single mother. Rather than see it as a burden, she’s seen it as a blessing. At least he can’t beat her while he’s in jail. But life isn’t always what you expect. Waiting tables at a truck stop in order to support her daughter, she meets a man that takes her breath away. When he begs her to leave with him, she turns him down. She has a daughter to consider and knows nothing about him — she just can’t take the chance. But then her ex gets out of jail unexpectedly and she and her daughter are forced back into his world. Her life implodes when she finds herself accused of murder — and her daughter in social services. The beautiful man that’s been trying to win her heart long distance is the only option she can think of for her daughter. She signs over custody to him, determined to at least save her daughter, even if she can’t save herself.
But Talie doesn’t know about Roman’s hidden nature. She doesn’t know about the Pride of shifters he has standing behind him. She doesn’t know that she belongs to him, just like her daughter now belongs to him. He will stop at nothing until she’s home safe, secure with the family she’s destined to be a part of, loving him the way he loves her and his new daughter.
Warning: Intended for mature audiences. This book contains abuse both real and implied, violence, and sexual situations that may be disturbing for some readers. If you are offended by these subjects, please do not buy this book.
Lazarus's Savior
Book 5
This book is a work of fiction, creative license has been taken.
Lazarus has spent his life running from horrendous beginnings that formed the base of the male he believes he is today. He blames himself for a tragedy that occurred before he was even old enough to take care of himself properly. His early childhood and that one tragedy have resulted in an unreasonable fear of the power females can hold over you if you let them in. So he doesn’t. He holds himself apart, just a little piece of himself held deep inside that no one is ever allowed to see or touch, and that keeps him safe — or so he thinks. But now the veterinarian who saved his life is turning it upside down. She wants him, and he knows it. But he’s afraid she’ll see the male he truly is and walk away, proving his view of himself.
Alex has spent a long time alone and she’s fine with that. Her veterinary practice, her friends and her animals have been enough for her — she’s got a good life. Her veterinary expertise puts her in a unique position of being trusted by the local shifters for medical care when their condition prohibits them from being taken to the hospital. When gravely injured, some cannot hold their human form and that’s a risk that can’t be taken — so they call Alex. That’s how she found and saved Lazarus. His injuries were so severe she wasn’t sure he’d make it, but she stayed by his side until he was strong enough to survive. She healed him, saved his life, now if only she could save his heart.
Despite a love and unspoken tie to one another, Alex and Lazarus just can’t seem to get on the same page. When things finally start taking a turn for the better, Lazarus is called out of town to assist a friend in need. Alex anxiously awaits his return, hoping they can pick up where they left off. But then he changes all the rules — when he returns he’s not alone — he’s brought home another woman.
Warning: Intended for mature audiences. This book contains abuse both real and implied, violence, and sexual situations that may be disturbing for some readers. If you are offended by these subjects, please do not buy this book.
Lucas's Prey
Book 6
This book is a work of fiction, creative license has been taken.
Lucas is a Kodiak Bear shifter, and the last member of Riley’s Pride left without a mate. He spent the majority of his life thinking he didn’t want one. But then he watched all his family and friends finding and claiming theirs, starting families and basking in the love and peace having a mate can provide. He thought for a while that he might be able to claim Libby, but she ultimately belonged to another. When she was claimed, he went back to being alone — and he didn’t like it. Luckily for him, his true mate had already found him. Now if she’d just make herself known instead of stalking him, he could make her his and they could start their lives together.
Anahla is Djinn by birth, Efreet to be exact, complete with flames flowing through her blood — oh, and Dragon, too. But since the Efreet and Dragons intentionally avoid one another, she’s basically an anomaly. Neither side wants her, but neither side is brave enough to extinguish her, either. Fleeing from her Djinn family, she happens to stumble across her deepest desire - her mate. A mate means belonging, home, safety, and most of all acceptance. Though instead of making herself known, she remains in the background, keeping to the shadows as she watches him, stalking him. Of course she wants him, he’s her mate. But the fact that she believes he already has kids and a female is enough to make her rethink her position. Besides, with the personal struggle and secrets she carries, he’d likely reject her anyway.
Lucas and Anahla have both been longing for their mate. They crave the bond that finding their mate will bring. They want a home, family, love, and acceptance. Unfortunately, circumstances lead each to believe it’s just not possible. But fate has other ideas in mind; a threat to the Pride forces Anahla and who she truly is out into the open. The situation leaves no room for thought, without her, someone could die. Now that she’s revealed her true self, will she be accepted, or will she and Lucas both have to resign themselves to a lifetime of loneliness?
Warning: Intended for mature audiences. This book contains abuse both real and implied, violence, and sexual situations that may be disturbing for some readers. If you are offended by these subjects, please do not buy this book.
This is the final full length novel in the Riley's Pride series.